Framed Weavings

It was one of those days that started with an idea. If we can weave inside circles, why not squares? Sure, I wasn’t the first person to weave inside a frame, but at the time I didn’t know that. The idea felt so exciting, thrilling, and new that I couldn’t put it down until it was figured out.

Think: cozy, organic texture but with clean and modern straight lines. YES. My framed weavings began!

I grabbed a frame, the random collection of fibers that was already on my work table, a few power tools, and went to work. The creative process is messy and things don’t always come together on the first try. That was true here, too. But I’ve found that when you’re excited about something, act on it right away and don’t give up on those new ideas. Sometimes if we wait too long, our “better judgment” creeps in and tells us that the new ideas aren’t feasible. Or worth it. Or even good.

But if you dive in and just get started even though your plan isn’t fully formed, it often leads to magic!


Meet the Maker